New 2008 Version, I posted 63 pictures in 2007, lets see if I can do better this year!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Where will the lines stop?

Day 243/Post 87

The gas lines are long here in Houston! Mom & I spent 5 hours the other day waiting to fill our portable gas tanks for the generator. We had already been in 5 other lines but gas ran out before we reached the pump. Eggs, milk, bread are other hot commodoties. Ice is also a rarity, but with our generator we've been making our own ice the old fashion way - with ice trays! :) The only tough part is that you have to make sure you boil your water before you freeze it. Yes, everyone around here is in a Boil Water area. I'm so grateful that we have water though. It makes the bathroom situation much nicer!!!!